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What is The Family & Friends FALL FESTIVAL? It is a Festival celebrating the goodness of God by focusing of three things: FAITH, FAMILY & FRIENDS, FUN.
We will begin the day worshiping the Lord Jesus with outdoor worship service. We are building an outdoor chapel for this occasion which will resemble the one which stood on our church grounds for many years - The Chapel in the Woods. BE SURE YOU BRING YOUR LAWN CHAIR!
In addition to Faith, Family and Friends are what makes life rich. This is why we are inviting your Family and Friends to join us on October 17 for The Family & Friends FALL FESTIVAL. We are looking forward to meeting your Family & Friends and having a great time together.
There will be LOTS OF FUN to be had. Below are some pictures of a the main attractions we will be providing. ALL OF IT IS OUR GIFT TO you. Attractions will open at 11am and last until 1pm. This will follow at the conclusion of the 10am outdoor worship service.
The Chapel in the Woods
The 10am Outdoor Worship service will take place in the upper portion of the Main Parking Lot located in front of the Main Sanctuary Entrance on Grubb Road.
For those attending the 10am Outdoor Worship we recommend you bring your favorite lawn chair. Metal chairs will be available for those who need them.
CHILDCARE will be provided for children up to three years old the 10am Outdoor Worship. To locate childcare enter the Main Sanctuary Entrance. Greeters will be there to direct you to our childcare providers. Parents will need to register their children for childcare. Children four years and older will stay with their parents for the outdoor worship. A children's sermon will be provided for them during the worship service.
Activities will begin after the Outdoor Worship concludes. The activities will be available from approximately 11am and will last until 1pm. All activities will be stationed on the side of the church along the Lower Mill Road.
If you arrive before 11am please DO NOT gather along the Lower Mill Road side of the church. Vendors will be setting up and we want to avoid congestion and potential for injuries. We ask that you gather with us in the upper parking lot until the Outdoor Worship has concluded.
Parking Lots are available along Grubb Road and Lower Mill Road. For the safety of everyone, PLEASE WATCH for blockades and signs where some parking areas and spaces have been closed.
Restrooms will be available on the upper and lower level of our Christian Life Center.