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Be Our Guest
As you arrive, please enter at the Main Parking area from Grubb Road. Guest Parking spaces are located on either side of the parking area. Handicap Parking spaces are located close to the main entrance and in the two center rows of the parking area.
From the parking area you will see the Main Sanctuary Entrance identified by a banner which says, "Welcome: We're Glad You're Here!" As you enter the sanctuary, you will be welcomed by our Greeters who will be able to answer any questions you may have. They can direct you to any of our facilities whether it is the sanctuary, the children's area, a life group gathering, or restrooms.
Worship is at the heart of who we are and what we do at Hixson First Baptist. It is a specific time planned to provide an opportunity for us all to express love and adoration to God. We do so as we worship Him by praying, singing, reading Scripture, preaching, and sharing time with one another. Our time spent worshiping God together allows us to slow down from the hectic pace of life so that we may hear God personally speak to us through His Holy Spirit and His written Word, the Bible.

Have Kids?
We provide children with a worship experience designed just for them. We call it Kidz JAM (Jesus And Me). It is a high energy, kid friendly worship experience for 4 years old through 5th grade. To sign your kids up ask one of our greeters to direct you to the Kidz JAM table in the lobby. Children will be escorted to Kidz JAM by our adult leaders when they are dismissed from the Sanctuary after the morning worship service begins.
Life Groups meet at 9:30am Sunday morning and 6pm on Sunday evening
We have Life Groups which meet on Sundays at 9:30 am and 6 pm. For information on which Life Group would be the right fit for you visit our Life Groups page at For further assistance please contact our church office by phone at (423) 877-2467 or by e-mail at

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