The Baptist Association is collecting 5 gallon buckets filled with the list of items below to help out the victims of the tornado damage. You may collect the items yourself or if you prefer you can donate money and someone will purchase the needed items. If you make a donation, please note in the memo of your check that it's for the Disaster Relief Buckets.
Tuesday, April 28th & Thursday, April 30th, the church office will be open from 9-12 noon to receive the Disaster Relief Buckets, contributions and offerings.
Someone will be happy to meet you at the door to receive these items from you.
We will need volunteers to help deliver the buckets to the victims.
If you have any questions, contact Sheri Raley at
Filled Buckets contain:
5 gallon bucket
bucket lid
Mold Spray
All purpose cleaner with bleach
Mr. Clean cleaner
Dawn dishwashing soap
2 Sharpie markers
utility knife
4 terry cloth towels
disposable gloves
leather work gloves
protective eye glasses
respiratory mask
all purpose sponge
scrub brush
trash bags
spray bottle