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Sunday Morning

We currently offer an in person and online Worship Service on Sunday morning at 10:00. 

For those attending in person on Sunday morning:

  • Childcare is provided for children 3 years and under.

  • KidZ Jam Worship is available for children 4 years-5th grade.

We also have several Life Groups which meet on Sunday mornings at 9. 


Wednesday Evening

We also offer an in person and online Wednesday Bible Study at 6:15 pm for all age groups.

For those attending in person on Wednesday evening:

  • The Bible study meets in the Memorial Building.

  • No childcare is provided.


Our Safety Protocol for Those Attending


For those who are not familiar with our safety protocol for the worship services, please read the following information. These practices have been put in place to ensure the well-being of all who are attend either of our current worship services. 


  • Please practice social distancing - six feet of separation with no physical contact – no handshakes, hugs, etc. If you wish to visit with others, please do so inside the Sanctuary after you have been seated.


  • Arrive no less than 10 minutes before the worship service begins.


  • Park in the Main Parking Lot in front of the Main Entrance to the Sanctuary.

    • All other entrances into the Sanctuary and all other facilities will be closed. The elevator will also be closed.


  • A greeter(s) will welcome you before you enter the glass doors leading to the Sanctuary.

    • Our greeters and ushers will be wearing masks and gloves. All doors will be opened for you, so you will not have to touch any door handles.


  • The greeter(s) will ask you to enter the Sanctuary by the far left or far right entry door.

    • The door you choose will be determined by your preference to sit on the left or right side of the Sanctuary.

    • The center glass doors will not be open for entry or exit except in the case of an emergency. 


  • A greeter will then check your temperature with a touch-less thermometer. Everyone must have their temperature checked before entering the Sanctuary.


  • Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or above will be asked to return home and watch the service online at home.


  • As you approach the entry door, another greeter will be positioned at a table. On this table will be hand sanitizer, masks, and a children’s packet.

    • Please use the hand sanitizer before entering.

    • We request that you may take a mask from the table if you do not have one with you. While you are in the building, we prefer you wear a mask.

    • Families with children may pick up a children’s packet – one for each child accompanying you. No other physical materials will be distributed in any form.


  • Once you enter the sanctuary an usher will lead you to the left or right depending upon the door you entered. The usher will then lead you to where you will be seated. We have designed a seating plan which optimizes the use of our pews for social distancing and based upon the number of people sitting with you. Please follow the lead of our ushers. . 

    • Everyone will be seated by the ushers on the main floor of the sanctuary, beginning with the center section of pews.

    • Most seats are designed to sit 2-3 people in each party.

    • Parties of four or more will be seated in pews specifically designated for that number to provide optimum social distancing from other parties 


  • Parents with children may choose to sit in the balcony or on the main floor at their discretion.  

    • If you do not have children accompanying you, please do not ask to be seated in the balcony.


  • There will be no offering received during the worship service. Upon the dismissal of the service an offering box will be in the foyer in which you may deposit your offering as you leave.


  • When the service is dismissed, it will be done by sections.

    • Please wait until your section is dismissed before leaving. Once your section is dismissed, please make your exit through the same doors by which you entered.

    • As you leave, you may place your offering in the offering box and then exit the building.


  • Please do not remain in the lobby to visit with others. The lobby needs to remain clear.


Some other important matters to keep in mind are:


  • Please stay at home if you are sick, running a fever of 100.4 or higher, have any flu-like symptoms, or have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. 


  • Our worship service will be a time of Family Worship. We will not provide childcare or a children’s worship service. However, we will share a children’s sermon as a part of our Family Worship time.  


  • Restrooms, doors, and pews, will be wiped down before and after services.


  • Restroom doors will be open with a solid partition placed in front of them for privacy. We ask that we not have too many in a restroom at any given time. If three people are already in a restroom wait, if you can, before entering. The Family Restroom will be closed. Upon leaving the restroom, thoroughly wash and dry your hands before returning to the sanctuary. Sanitizing wipes will be available in each restroom. If you would, take a sanitizing wipe and wipe down any surface you have touched while in the restroom and then dispose of the wipe in the trash bin.


  • Water fountains will be turned off and covered. You may bring water or coffee with you in an enclosed container with a lid that seals and is spill-proof.


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